Sunday, June 26, 2011

Five Guys

I am very picky about my hamburgers. I don’t like the taste of ground beef and therefore, usually don’t like hamburgers that restaurants serve. There are few exceptions to this rule, Five guys is one of them. They’re relatively close to my work, and I take every opportunity to convert my coworkers to the Five Guy following, an easy task.

For those who have never had or *gasp* even heard of Five Guys, let me explain how it works. You pay for your hamburger, cheeseburger (seen bellow), bacon cheese/hamburger, hotdog or grilled cheese. A regular sandwich is huge, while a single stacker is the size of a whopper. Once you pay just for the meat and bun, you’re free to add whatever you want at no extra cost: mushrooms, onions (grilled or raw), sauces and confection galore. If you can add it to your sandwich at a fast-food joint, they offer it to put on purchase.  Mine? Cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, pickle, ketchup, grilled onions and grilled mushrooms. You can also pick how much you want on the burger-easy/light, regular or heavy.

Then we have the fries. These fries are not for the faint of heart. They’re made fresh (as your sandwich) but are bought from small, US potato farms (usually which farm is displayed in the store daily). They have two fry sizes-regular and large, and two flavors-regular or Cajun. The regular is a large at Burger King, while the large is a small popcorn from the movies. I’ll never forget the first time I watched them do the fries; the cook carefully fills the fry container…and then proceeds to fill your bag with the remaining fries from the batch he cooked for you. 

I’m not going to lie. Usually I eat the fries and finish off the burger at another time. I can never finish both, it’s just too much! The fries always have the right amount of seasoning, and that wonderful potato taste that fries should have! I love the hamburgers there too-wonderfully seasoned to blend in with all the other confections you can add to your burger. The beef taste (not ground beef, but just beef) melds in wonderfully with the other flavors. You know it’s a good burger when you bite into it and juice just drips out.

If you dine in, they also serve bulk peanuts that you can munch on (for free) while you wait for your order to cook up. Since I’m usually picking up food to go, I usually just grab a handful and put it in someone’s back for later munchies.
Five Guys has been in numerous magazines for their pricing. Considering how much you get, it’s dirt cheap. A bag of Cajun fries and a cheeseburger the size of my face comes out to around $10-12 (no drink). Not bad at all
Definitely a place for people of all ages and sizes! Give your local Five Guys a try, I guarantee you’ll fall in love.
Five Guys Burger and Fries

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