Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cancun Indy, Mexican Restaurant

My work is in throwing distance of all kinds of food, and so when I get bored of the usual take out or delivery stuff, I venture out and collect a menu for something different. Today’s choice was Mexican, a place call Cancun right down the street. 

To be honest, this isn’t going to be the best review for the place. When I first called, I asked if they had paper menus I could take with me. The woman seemed confused and began speaking rapid Spanish to someone else on the other end and when she came back told me no. She was going to suggest their website, only to be told (I presume) that they didn’t have one (something I knew before hand, as I had searched). Then I ask if she could fax me a menu, she said and I gave her our number…10 minutes later, no fax.

The manager was kind enough to let me leave to go take pictures of the menu…only for me to realize that it was a waste of time as when I went to go hand the menu back, I noticed paper menus right to the right of the cashier. Really? They’re right there!

None the less, I grabbed a menu and went back to work. We hummed and hahhed over what to get and I decided for the Burrito mexicano, with the Diego’s dip and my other co-worker went with a side of Mexican rice and a large queso.


It was good; your order comes with free chips in salsa. I wish my food had been a lot warmer, and not in metal containers-makes reheating a pain. My order came up to $16, co-workers came up to $13, so a little on the pricier side.
The burrito was nicely seasoned, filled with seasoned ground beef, piled on top was cheese, sour cream, tomato and lettuce. I ended up cutting it all up and eating like a salad. The Diego dip was awesome. It’s basically queso with seasoned ground beef  and pico del gallo. It is so much better than it sounds.

Deigo's Dip

Since it was carry out, I didn’t see what the atmosphere was like, but I assume that like all Mexican restaurants, it’s a family place. It is ‘American-Mexican’ and not authentic, cornhusk wrapped Mexican.
I’ll most likely order out here again, but just with dip and no main course. And I’m keeping the menu.

Cancun Indy Mexican Restaurant
Contact info on front of menu.

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