Sunday, June 26, 2011

Barlo’s Pizza

Barlo’s Pizza has been a curiosity of mine for at least a year. They’re close to where my parents live and since they’ve moved in, I’ve always wanted to give them a try.  A mom & pop business, I ran by to grab a menu on my way over to my folks. I’m not a large fan of meat on my pizza and dislike pork in general (sans bacon) so I went with their version of the vegetable pizza, but added feta cheese and took off the olives (I like them raw, but never cooked!). My parents got the supreme pizza, as is. We had it delivered (45min-1hr wait) but it was there in 30min! Good start guys!

The delivery driver was very nice, our overly friendly Boxer wanted to greet her, and she was very patient as she had once had once (poor thing ran away). Well, I grabbed the pizzas (12 inch I think?) and man, did they smell good!

It looked more like a pie then pizza with the bread on the top of the pizza. Filled to the max and sinfully cheesy, it’s a great and not very greasy! It doesn’t have the traditional tomato sauce on this particular pizza, but a special vegetable sauce. It’s red and tasted like tomatoes and cheese which blends in with the rest of the pizza, but has enough of a sweet taste to stand out on its own as well.

I didn’t taste the supreme, but from the mumbled ‘good’ coming from the jowls of my parents, I’m going to guess it was pretty awesome too.

Two pizzas + delivery + tip came out to around $40, not bad all things considered and what’s on the pizzas.
They also offer a deep dish that looks more like a Sheppard’s Pie then a pizza-can’t wait!

Barlo’s Pizza
Southport: 317-883-2222
Kentucky Ave: 317-821-2220

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