Sunday, March 31, 2013


So the first thing this article starts to talk about is big foot, only the second page didn't load for me so from there I read right on to the giant turtle of Churubusco, IN. The turtle is apparently huge, sits at the bottom of a lake and is the main cause of the 'Turtle Days' celebration which revolves guessed it...turtles. Now I love turtles, so I would totally go to this! The article details about how one man in particular dedicated his time to debunk the whole thing, even attempting to drain the lake which makes me wonder, really dude? you had nothing better to do then attempt to kill of this town's claim to fame? get a hobby. The local businesses even get into the giant turtle fun by having turtle related slogans/jokes. the article then compares this urban legend to the likes of the loch ness monster.

A huge turtle purchased from the zoo for $50? Crap, that's cheap! I found the whole thing rather funny and silly. Who cares if there really is a turtle? Let's believe in something a little unusual from time to time - it keeps the wonder in life!

has anyone else tried to explore the lake recently? with radar?
why have i never heard of a turtle festival?! I would have gone!


The video focuses on David and how he developed a new type of pad for flutes. It starts out on how he began his musical career and began the repair business and eventually his own flute business. He was taught the trade and  how he grew into making the parts and completely creating the flute himself. He is very much self taught through observation and trial and error. He notes how it constantly evolves, even the sound and that everyone who contributes adds to that evolution.

I always wanted to play flute but I don't have the mouth for it. I play clarinet instead, which I eventually fell in love with. Not so awesome with the repairs though. It's funny how musicians eventually move from one part of the art to another and switching back and forth and it all seems self taught.

how'd he come to indiana?
why indiana for the flute business?
why the flute?

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