Sunday, March 3, 2013

Indy Folklore Day 9


This was a contest entry for flowtoys narriated by Mr/ Hartnell on his definition of what the meaning of the term 'flow' is, as used by flow performers. To him, flow is a zen-like state induced by intense consentration when performing. he stated that he could almost see the lines of the universe during these times, and discribed it as being the peek on Maslow's hyeriarchy of needs. He then theorized that Maslow had the pyramid wrong, and that the top of the pyramid wasn't just the 'icing on the cake' as boredom could be just as painful as hunger.

I am a psych major. Talking about Maslow was a mistake for this guy. Maslow's hyeriarchy of needs pyramid, while it does have some common sense validity, has long since been torn apart by more advanced and modern psychologist. It is no longer seen as a pyramid one has to climb up, but more of points that can occur at any time in any order. Maslow's theory was also seen as majorly flawed because he selected what he believed to be people who had already reached self-actualization and then built the pyramid backwards. you cannot do this in psychology any more then you can do it in math. Oh, I have a 4 therefore the only way to reach 4 is 2+2, which isn't true. While the video itself was intersting, as Hartnell akinned his folk group's perfomances to meditation, the Maslow part pissed me off. If he talked about Freud it would of been worse. [insert pointed stare] But we've all had that moment of zoning out so there was parts where I could relate.

At what point does a performer begin to experience a feeling of 'flow'?
Is it akin to a drug addiction in that so performers become obsessed?
Why 'flow'? Why not 'zone' or something?


This article deltailed the tradition of stepping (dance) on campuses by farternities. It focused mainly on black males, though one section did go into detail on the differences between female steppers and their more feminine style and male steppers with their more masculine, power emphasiszing stepping. Steppers identitfy with the farternity and their stepping group with a large amount of pride and family-like comradery. the point of stepping is competetion, advertisement (of self and organization) and to prove who 'own the yard' or who is the best. the article goes into detail on the history of stepping, the actual fraternities, location (one in Indy) and how each fraternity has thier own unique style and identity. The article details some of the chants - some are sexual and to 'court' female aduience members, others are to 'crack' or make fun of other groups or to entertain. It was also pointed out that the art of stepping may empasize black stereotypes, but I don't think the steppers really care.

So the whole time I'm reading this I keep remembering every dance movie ever, including stomp the yard. I enjoy the rythms and sounds created by stepping - the stomping and clapping sounds are pretty hypnotic. I was disappointed that more about the females weren't detailed, but I could see why. The military aspect wasn't surprsing - that shit is hard! I was surprised to learn we had a team in Indiana - I never heard about them and now i want to see them perform.

Wonder if our Indiana steppers have a youtube....
Do you choose the fraternity based on its personality, or its prestidge?
Wonder which one I would be in....

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