Saturday, January 26, 2013

Folklore 3

Jokelore, RL Baker;

A collection of jokes the almost exclusively pokes fun at 'Kentuckians'. When a Hoosier is mentioned in the joke, they are seen as being superior in some way.

I was surprised at the number of jokes that I had heard, but not dealing with Kentuckians. For example, I had heard almost the exact same joke about jumping out of a plane before, but instead of a Hoosier and a Kentuckian, it was an American and a German with a punchline about WWII.


How man of these are switched in Kentucky?

 Most of the jokes were based on the idea of Kentuckians being 'stupid', why the common theme?
Indiana Storyteller, Various

A large collections of stories about a wide variety of topics. It is speculated if the stories are that - just stories, or if they're some truth to them.

I had not heard a single story listed here or any variation of them. I did appreciate that an attempt to capture the accent was made - words were spelled as they sound, not as they're actually spelled. 


I was once told that to be a good story teller, one must be a good lair. How true is that statement?

Is there a difference between telling a story, and telling a truth?

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