Sunday, February 3, 2013

Folklore 4

Place Names in Brown County, FA Hoffmann:

Summary: A study of town names in mainly Brown County, their uniqueness and possible origins.

I tried. I really, really, reaaaaaaaaaaaaally tried to get into this one. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. I ended up skimming it at best. It was boring, hard to read and It's an article...about naming places. I don't think you could of picked a more boring subject other then what types of grass or indigenous to the region and why.

1. Why god, why?
2. I got nothing, really I don't. Ummm, why did he ask people instead of ....I got nothing. Sorry. It was just too boring.

FUN FACTS: because hopefully that will make up for my utter lack of Q&A
1. Mann road is named after my family, it's also in a pretty bad part of town - go figure!
2.  Indiana is one of the few states where the state capitol is in the center, it actually moved there!
3. The first dishwasher was invented in Indiana by William Blackstone

Place Legends, R Baker

Summary: A collection of stories surrounding 'Blue Hole' a supposed bottomless lake. These stories include fish tales, disappearances, ghost tales and my personal favorite - a disappearing train. Yep, you heard it, a god-damn train.

I've never even heard of this place which is kind of disappointing. I'd want to swim in it, but apparently that's a bad idea - even if the stories aren't true. Chances are it is a rock quary, in which case it's not the safest place to take a dip.


1. With modern technology being available to the masses, has anyone explored it (cameras, sonar, cameras, ect)?
2. Why this lake? What originally happened there to spout so many stories?

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