Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Journey

There is one restaurant I could eat at everyday and never get tired of. Called 'The Journey', it's a buffet style restaurant that's a little bit more on the pricier side. $25 a person for dinner is pretty steep until you realize what you get: Prime rib, sword fish, high grade sushi, calamari and much more (see link below for complete menu). It's like going to an upper scale restaurant, not knowing what you want and being able to sample everything on the menu. Thanks to this place, I've been able to try duck, swordfish and many other foods that I would normally not order with the fear that I wouldn't like it and have wasted my money.

Bellow is just my first plate, which consists only of sushi. I love sushi, so this place is great as a fix for a cheap price as any sushi lover will tell you. It's also a great way to have friends try without the pressure of 'oh, if I don't like it, what to do now' and 'but I don't want to share' on either end.

The service is always really great too. They don't bother you, but your glass is never empty either. I do recommend that if you want to try it out, you show up early rather than late, there's usually always a wait. Make sure to check their menu too (link below) as it changes for lunch (which is cheaper, but doesn't have as much) versus dinner. They also do reservations for large parties, but it's a minimum of 10 I think?

The place is done in sailboat theme, I wouldn't recommend the place for kids. There's isn't a lot of 'child friendly' foods (such as mac-n-cheese) and for $25 a pop, it seems like a waste to me. A good place for a date, business lunch (which is very frequently seen), or a get together for friends. 

Dress is very diverse, I've seen from suit-business to construction-jeans. 
One thing to note is that this is a very 'grab it yourself' place. Things such as extra napkins, soup spoons and chopsticks are left out in the open and it's not considered rude to grab them yourselves if you need/want them. The waiter/ress is only there to clear plates and refill your glass, which is appreciated. 

Information: 7155 E 96th st, Indianapolis, IN, 46250 
                  Right by Starbucks, in front of Sam's Club
Phone: 317-578-9933

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