Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Good Earth (Store)

Good Earth is an all natural foodstuffs store located in Broadripple. It is my absolute favorite place to buy herbs, trail mixes, grains and misc. strange items I can find no where else. It's all local produce and whole-sale, so it's dirt cheap. I sadly lack any pictures, but today I bought ~3-4lb of 3different kinds of trail mix and ~1lb of yogurt covered almonds for $17, not a bad deal in my opinion.

This place specializes in herbal and natural foods and also contains a wide variety of gluten free products, from flour to pre-made pasta noodles and cereals. It's a two story building, the first floor is mainly cooking ingredients and dry goods, while the top floor sells earth shoes, cosmetics, soaps/cleaners (all eco friendly), teas, misc. non-traditional medical tools (such as ear candles) and an apothecary of herbs. They have a complete list of herbs sold by the counter, but they carry just about everything, even specialty cooking rubs. I usually buy a wide range of herbs for my home-made teas and a few cooking experiments.

All in all, a great place to shop for those looking for the organic, specific, unusual/uncommon, healthy or just wanting to support local sellers.

Good Earth Natural Food Company
6350 Guilford ave, Indianapolis, IN, 46220
Located in Broadripple, right over the rainbow bridge. Parking in behind building and free for customers.
They usually close around 7pm, so plan ahead.

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