Sunday, October 9, 2011

Groovy Guys Gourment Fries-Food Truck

Food Trucks. I'm still slightly skeptical in general but I don't have the distaste that I once did.

I go to school for those of you who were not aware. As such, I look for cheap eating around campus which is near impossible until the local food truck industry realized that parking around campus to sell their wares would be a good marketing move.

I finally broke down the other day and tried a truck called: Groovy Guys Gourmet Fries.

I love french fries. To me, their they best part of a hamburger.

There's really not much to say. You go up, order your fries (of which they have many kinds) and wait while they make it fresh to order. You then pay (they do accept credit cards) and then eat your food.

I ordered the steak and cheese fries, which were pretty good!

Some type of sweet BBQ sauce, steak and cheese on top of crisp, hot fries! I ate them on my way to class.

While I'm still not to the point of feeling comfortable eating tuna tartar out of a truck, deep fried foods flashes me back to good memories at the fair and so I felt pretty comfortable with it.

I'm totally going back! $5 for a pile of french fries the size of a hamburger? I'm cool with that. It's cheaper then the cafeteria food that's for sure.

Follow them of Facebook (I know I am!): just search Groovy Guys
Their facebook page tells where they're going to be and shows so good images of their dishes!

1 comment:

  1. I am a wannabe foodie. I have a passion for food and drink and have years of experience in the food industry. Food trucks intrigue the hell out of me, and recently so. It's not a new concept but rather a growing area. I started following several food truck accounts on twitter, including Scratch Truck, West Coast Tacos, and Indy Food Truck. While I won't go out of my way for a quick bite from one, I like to know when these mobile kitchens with unique menus get close to campus.
