Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sapporo Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar

Recently I had an unbearable craving for sushi. I would like to take this moment to thank Google Places finding this place, which is pretty close to work. 

Calling up I asked first if I could order out and then if I could order out for sushi-which you can! Woo!
So I ordered Chirashi (19.99) which comes with an order of miso soup. I carried out my order before taking the picture, so the food being jostled around is my fault as I wasn’t very careful with it.

Several pieces of raw fishes are served over a bed of sushi rice with pickled radishes, fish eggs, scallions, sesame seeds, ginger and wasabi.
The soup was good; I would have liked a bit more seaweed in it. 

The sushi itself was thick, raw and fresh. I plan on returning to try their other fare, but I’m still a bit iffy on the price. $20 and I didn’t really felt like I got a lot. Yes, I walked away full but not overly stuffed and for the amount I paid and for the amount of fish I got, I could of gotten 2-3 rolls from their menu which might be a better deal.

I’ll have to see.

The environment was friend from what I saw. They have a few koi ponds and one has a bridge so you can watch the very fat fishes. It’s not just a sushi bar (but they do have a sit down sushi bar) they also do hibachi (where they cook your food in front of you), ramen, udon, bentos and much more.

I recommend checking out the menu if nothing else!


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